7th CENTRAL EUROPEAN NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETY MEETING. Joint Meeting with the Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS, USA), 13.06.2012 - 15.06.2012, Praha

Úvodní slovo

Dear Friends and Colleagues,


it is our great pleasure to we invite you to join us at the 7th Central European Neurosurgical Society Meeting (CENS) that will be held as the Joint Meeting with the Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS, USA), which will take place in Prague, Czech Republic, June 13-15, 2012.
The Meeting will be supported by the Czech Neurosurgical Society, the Czech Neuroscience Society and by the dean of the 1st Medical Faculty, prof. T. Zima, and the dean of the 3rd Medical Faculty prof. M. Andel of the Charles University. The CENS is based on individual membership of Neurosurgeons of the following 6 countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovak Republic and Slovenia. The CENS became a full member of the World Federation of the Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) on April 9, 2000. CENS supports the level of neurosurgery in the previously mentioned and other countries by organizing different educational courses and biannually society meeting. CENS also participates on majority of occasions organized by the WFNS.


Following the inspiring 1st meeting in Wroclaw 1999, 2nd meeting in Brno 2002, 3rd meeting in Ljubljana 2004, 4th meeting in Budapest 2006, 5th meeting in Vienna 2008 and 6th meeting in Pultusk, Poland 2010 we are proud to host this main scientific event of CENS in Prague in 2012.
We would like to emphasize that participation on the 7th CENS meeting is opened to all neurosurgeons and other specielities from the whole world.
The aim of the 7th CENS Meeting is to provide you with as much relevant practical information of the state of art as possible. The international experts will share their own life experience in each special topic, they will present different current modalities of treatment. The participants of the meeting will learn what is practical and the the best for patients.
The relevant information, based on the vast experience and knowledge at this meeting, will help everyone to be critically objective and to go home with more wisdom for his/her future practice.


This message could not be complete without mentioning our host city. Prague is a very cultural city with a number of the galleries and museums all around the city. Prague is also on the UNESCO list of the protected cities. For young generation Prague is also a very attractive destination for its large variety of pubs, clubs, and beer gardens.
We are looking forward to welcome you in Prague, and hope for your active collaboration in making the 7th CENS meeting a successful event.


Yours faithfully Eduard Zverina, MD, PhD, FCMA 

President of the 7th Central European Neurosurgical Society

Termín konání
13.06.2012 - 15.06.2012
Místo konání
OREA Hotel Pyramida
Bělohorská 24
Prague 6
The Czech Neurosurgical Society
The Czech Neuroscience Society
The Czech Spine Surgery Society
The 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague
The 3rd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague
Prezident a čestní členové
Eduard Zverina (Czech Republic)

Honorary members:
Madjid Samii (Germany)
Juraj Steno (Slovakia)
Jerzy Wroňski (Poland)
Eduard Zverina (Czech Republic)
Vědecký sekretář
Martin Sames (Czech Republic)
Výbor CNS
Austria: Karl Rossler, Karl Ungersboeck
Czech Republic: Martin Sames, Martin Smrcka, Eduard Zverina
Hungary: Tamas Doczi, Istvan Nyary
Poland: Zbigniew Czernicki, Piotr Ladzinski
Slovakia: Miroslav Galanda, Juraj Steno, Igor Sulla
Slovenia: Vinko V. Dolenc, Tadej Strojnik

Český a slovenský vědecký výbor:
Vladimir Benes, Robert Bartos, Jan Ciencala, Tomas Cesak, Jiri Fiedler, Pavel Haninec, Michal Houdek, Lumir Hrabalek, Frantisek Charvat, Milan Choc, Jiri Chrobok, Jan Klener, Antonin Krajina, Martin Krbec, Roman Liscak, Richard Lukas,
Jiri Nahlovsky, Zdenek Novak, Tomas Palecek, Vladimir Priban, Svatopluk Rehak, Martin Sames, Martin Smrcka,
Michal Setlik, Jan Stulik, Petr Suchomel, Petr Vachata, Petr Vanek, Miroslav Vaverka, Josef Vymazal, Peter Wendsche,
Amir Zolal, Eduard Zverina
Pozvaní přednášející
Abdulrauf Saleem (USA), Ammirati Mario (USA), Bijlenga Philippe(Switzerland), Bosnjak Roman (Slovenia), Brotchi Jacques(Belgium), Ciurea A.V.(Romania), Duffau Hugues(France), Fernandez-Miranda J.C. (USA), Kanaan Imad (Saudi Arabia), Kawang-Tu Yong (Taiwan), Kawase Takeshi (Japan), Kunz Alexandra (USA), Kurpad Shekar (USA), Landeiro Jose Alberto (Brasil), Frederick (USA), Mathiesen Tiit (Sweden), Matsushima Toshio (Saga, Japan), Meyer Bernhard (Germany), Misra K. Basant (India), Nanda Anil (USA), Pamir M. Nacmettin (Turkey), Patel Umang Jash (UK), Ramina Ricardo (Brasil), Rezai Ali (USA), Samii Madjid (Germany), Sbeih Ibrahim (Amman, Jordan), Selden Nate (USA), Sharan Ashwini (USA), Spetzger Uwe (Germany), Stavropoula Tjoumakaris (USA), Tatagiba Marcos (Germany), Vellutini Eduardo A.S. (Brasil), Voznyak Alexnader (Ukraine), Yasargil Gazi (USA)
- Surgery of intrinsic brain lesions in difficult locations – insular gliomas, brain stem tumors, basal ganglia
and mesiotemporal lesions
- Perioperative imaging and monitoring (DTI, ECS,fMRI, ultrasound)
- Neurooncology
- Skull Base Surgery
- Neurovascular neurosurgery and endovascular neurointervention
- Miniinvasive spine surgery
- Varia
Jednací jazyk
Časový harmonogram
Pondělí, 11. červen 2012
08:00 – 18.00 International Dissection Course (Klub Lavka, Prague), White matter dissection technique and fiber tracking (DTI)
16:00 – 19:30 International Dissection Course (CSVTS, Prague), Transtemporal approaches and ECIC bypass

Úterý, 12. června 2012
08:00 – 18.00 International Dissection Course (Klub Lavka, Prague), Transtemporal approaches and ECIC bypass

Středa, June 13th, 2012
11.40 – 18.30 7th CENS Meeting (OREA Hotel Pyramida, Prague)
20.00 – 23.00 Výlet parníkem na Vltavě

Čtvrtek, 15. června 2012
08.00 – 19.20 7th CENS Meeting (OREA Hotel Pyramida, Prague)
19.25 – 20.00The CENS Board Meeting
20.00 – 24.00 Gala večeře – Monastery restaurant

Pátek, 16. června 2012
07.30 – 08.00 General Assembly of the CENS
08.00 – 13.30 7th CENS Meeting (OREA Hotel Pyramida, Prague)
Certifikáty o účasti
A Certificate of attendance will be issued to all delegates in venues.